Friday 23 August 2013

Singam 2 50th day posters


                              SINGAM 2 50TH DAY KERALA POSTERS

                                                         SINGAM 2 50TH DAY POSTERS

                                            SINGAM 2 50TH DAY KERALA POSTERS

Monday 24 September 2012

run baby run from 25th day psoters

run baby run 25th day posters

boxoffice report  : ****/5

budget  :  7.2 crore

boxoffice  :  17.5 crore (25th day gross collection)

vertict  : blockbuster of the year...

mohanlal spirit 100th day posters

spirit 100th day posters....

budget  : 3.5 crore

boxoffice : 8.3 crore

vertict    : super hit

Saturday 15 September 2012

Ajith G Krishnan ISS

                                    AJITH G KRISHNAN IDEA STAR SINGER SEASON 6

SMS FORMAT - ISS<space>AJITH to 57827.. Please support our talented singer Ajith G Krishnan..